Product Description
Threadwell is a high-performance EP Fortified threading lubricant for ferrous metals. This product is an excellent choice to use on hard metals for tough threading jobs.

- Exceptional rust protection
- Outstanding lubricity and film forming properties
- Non-tacky residue
Product Applications
Threadwell is used for manual or automatic threading.
Directions for Use
Threadwell is used as received only.
Appearance: Odor: Specific Gravity: Flash Point: |
Dark Amber Liquid Characteristic 0.934 (@70ºF) 375ºF (C.O.C.) |
Threadwell is available in 5 gal. pails, 55 gal. drums, or 330 gal. totes.
Industries: General Manufacturing, Metalworking, Machining & Grinding, Heavy Equipment
Applications: Threading